Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh the pain

It hurts me to return to this page after such a long absence... yet again!  I feel like I've neglected a malnourished child.  Too be honest I feel a lot like Daniel Plainview when he proclaimed "I have abandoned my child!"  Or I feel like a trapped television viewer who finds himself taking a break from some pointless show to be greeted by a Santa Claus type looking character with a child sitting on his lap.  No, the child is not asking for a Red Ryder BB Gun.  The child is poor and asking a previously unsuspecting audience for donations to the Christian Children's Fund.  Okay, this is a bit dramatic buy you all know what I'm talking about.  But to quote another completely unrelated movie, "I'm back in the game!"  as said by nice-guy Cameron in 10 Things I Hate About You.  This brings me to a few things I've been meaning to blog about: Shakespeare, bad/good acting, and my summer reading progress.

1 comment:

  1. and im bbbbacccckkkk in the game.
    yes. my quote for everything

    nice work.
