Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good/Bad Acting

I don't claim to work for rotten tomatoes or to be the next Ebert.  But my former post about Shakespeare and the quick reference to Daniel Plainview make me think about the quality of acting.  When I think of great actors, I think of Daniel Day Lewis.  "There Will Be Blood" may be an exhaustibly long movie, but the acting in that movie is phenomenal.  Lewis is the kind of actor who hasn't really been in that many movies.  I mean the man has been acting for a pretty long time yet I can only think of three movies that I know he's been in.  He is picks his roles very carefully and completely masters his part.  I respect that in an actor.  Quality NOT quantity.  On the other hand is the actor who is all over the place but produces mediocre movies at best.  Not to pick on anyone in particular, but Matthew Maconahay.  He's been all over the place with crappy romantic comedies but he hasn't done a role that requires a serious performance.

Another fine actor who I am a big fan of is Adrian Brody.  I just saw him in the Brothers Bloom.  A great movie.  Go see it.  Very Shakespearesque with a deep running theme in fiction as reality.  This is probably my favorite movie of the last five years.  The movie was literary, entertaining, funny, thought provoking, clever, imaginative and well casted.  Just see it.  Don't compare it to a Wes Anderson film, because while it has some similarities, it is not a Wes Anderson film.  It is better.  It is much more coherent than any Anderson film I've seen.  I've already said too much.  See it.

Next post goals: discussion of the book(s) I am reading - "Why We Hate Us"

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